Recent posts from the Paddling Planet
EMS Medication Administration – Intravenous (IV) Catheter Complications
EMS Providers need to be aware of the potential complications associated with IV catheter placement, their presentations, and how to manage them. Here’s an overview: 1. INFILTRATION Definition: Leakage of IV fluid into the surrounding tissue. Presentation: Swelling at the insertion site Coolness to the touch Pallor (pale skin) Discomfort or pain Management: Discontinue the…
Hallands väderö i junifinväder
En söndag med finväder kan man paddla ut till Hallands väderö. Det var länge sen vi var där men idag blev det av tillsammans med Martin S från Helsingborg. Prognosen var lite velig och vi visste inte om vi skulle paddla till ön eller längs kusten för motvind vill man ju inte hålla på med…
EMS Medication Administration – Intravenous (IV) Catheter Placement
IV catheter placement is a critical skill for EMS Providers who are at the level of AEMT or above, in most states. Proper technique ensures effective treatment and minimizes complications. Here are the recommended steps for IV catheter placement: Preparation Gather Supplies: IV catheter (appropriate gauge) Tourniquet Antiseptic wipes (e.g., alcohol, chlorhexidine) Sterile gauze Adhesive…
Simple Plate for Front Country Camping
The 10″ Plastic Kids’ Square Divided Plate by Pillowfort, sold at Target, costs $1 and is now $0.85 on sale. It’s lightweight, BPA-free, dishwasher safe, and microwave safe for reheating. Available singly or in sets, it effectively separates food. Its limited colors and separate spork purchase are drawbacks. Highly recommended for camping. The post Simple…
Paddle Canada Level 2 – Day 1
I’ve been wanting to do my Level 2 for a long time, but between family vacations, work and other things, I’ve never been able to line it up. But this year, it looks like the stars have aligned and I’m finally able to make it happen. But Mother Nature has the final say, especially here…
Maj 2024
Hoppsan, ännu en månad. Några höjdpunkter förutom det vardagliga utedrällandet och dagliga badandet hemomkring; Öppet hus hos Holma folkhögskola. Trevlig dag i mysig miljö. Intressanta föredrag, rundvandringar och prova på. Ugglorna. Så häftigt att vi har uggleungar på tomten. Vi såg och fotograferade en i början av månaden sen fick vi äran att se två…
EMS Medication Administration – Intravenous (IV) Catheter Gauges
Intravenous (IV) catheter gauges are critical tools for EMS (Emergency Medical Services) providers, and understanding their use is essential for effective patient care. Here are the key points EMS Providers need to know about IV catheter gauges: 1. Gauge Size and Flow Rate Gauge Number: The gauge number refers to the diameter of the IV…
Navegar en grupo es seguro y divertido pero ofrece descoordinación. Te contamos nuestra experiencia para llevar este tema a la máxima potencia.
Onsdagspaddling 29 maj
Tre paddlare på onsdagspaddlingen idag. Lite gråare med skön temperatur. Göran, Olle och jag paddlade på Skälderviken, till Sibiriens nedfart och tillbaka. Lite sne motvind på ena hållet och sne medvind tillbaka. Gött! Inlägget Onsdagspaddling 29 maj dök först upp på – paddling verkar kul.
EMS Pharmacology – IV Solutions Part Two
EMS Providers must understand the different properties, uses, and potential complications associated with isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions to provide optimal care in various clinical scenarios. Here’s a breakdown with examples, advantages, and disadvantages for each type of solution: Isotonic Solutions An isotonic solution has the same concentration of solutes (e.g sodium) as blood plasma,…
Homer Lake Trip Report
Over the Memorial Day weekend, we took a day trip to Homer Lake. Homer Lake in northern Minnesota is an entry point to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. About half of the lake is in the wilderness and half is outside. The majority of it is outside the wilderness and there’s a short portage…
En mycket lätt Frej – Björn Andersson
”Hej Björn Båten är förlängd till 520, byggd i Paulownia, lättaste sorten. Egentligen avsedd för allra lättaste typen av alpina topptursskidor. Gjorde integrerad sits-skott. Har använt enbart kolfiber i sits, sarg och dylikt. Inte blandat med glasfiber. Blir hårt o styvt med mindre vikt. Skrovets utsida fick 160g glas med ett 105g under. Övrigt generellt…
EMS Pharmacology – IV Solutions
EMS Providers must have a clear understanding of the different types of IV solutions, including crystalloids, colloids, and blood products, and their appropriate uses to ensure effective patient care in various medical scenarios. Here is an overview: Crystalloid Solutions Types: Normal Saline (0.9% Sodium Chloride): Isotonic solution commonly used for fluid resuscitation. Lactated Ringer’s Solution:…
History of the Tsunami Rangers Sea Kayak Race – Part 4
Editor’s Note: This is the fourth and final installment of our race articles for Race Month 2024. Later we’ll take up the story at Michael Powers’ home on Miramar Beach, where the race continued under various names and over various routes for almost 30 years. Since the racers in 1991 were too busy racing to take…
Ögla för mobilfodral
När vi bytte mobiler för ett tag sedan passade inte våra mobilhållare för flytvästen längre. Vi paddlade ett par gånger utan snöre mellan mobil och flytväst men det känns ibland onödigt spännande även om vi bara paddlar oskrynkligt vatten. På något vis dök den här lilla prylen/produkten upp i vårt flöde och vi beställde ett…
Död ved lever
Ny T-shirt med fint tryck och vettigt budskap från Gränna skogsgrupp. Inlägget Död ved lever dök först upp på – paddling verkar kul.
EMS Research – Chest Decompressions: The Driver of CPR Efficacy
The study aims was to optimize cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) efficacy by investigating the relationship between key CPR metrics: compression rate, depth, and recoil velocity. The goal was to model the impact of these variables on CPR effectiveness, particularly through their influence on end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2), which is a marker of perfusion. The study emphasizes…
Skidsäsongen 2023/2024
Blev två rundor skidåkningen denna säsongen. Två veckor i januari/februari, vecka 5&6 med 13 skiddagar och så knappt två veckor i april med 10 skiddagar. Vi brukar stanna avslutningshelgen men i år hade vi lite ”måsten” hemomkring så vi missade sista öppethelgen. Riktigt gött med snö & fjälldräll. Nu när det helt plötsligt blivit över…
Morning Paddle from Spread Eagle to Little Ridge
Really making an effort to get on the water as much as possible, whenever the wind and life permits. Sunday morning I got out for a few hours, went from Spread Eagle to Little Ridge and back, about 12 kms. It was a lovely morning, very little wind, and sunny skies. Saw a few eagles…
Sea Kayaking Safety in Photos
Practitioners of SEA KAYAKING are a bunch of safety-conscious hoopy froods. We sass this because sea kayakers always talk about safety. For example, “You just posted that video of the place I paddle. The video only showed calm water, but it gets crazy there. You should have introduced the video with a 15 minute safety…
EMS Celebration – History of EMS Week
President Gerald Ford established the first National Emergency Medical Services Week in 1974, and since then it has been celebrated on the third week of May every year. The goal of EMS Week was to raise awareness and pay tribute to the crucial work EMS professional do, often times risking their own safety and well-being…
Det känns som sommar när onsdagspaddlingarna med ÄSSS kajaksektion drar igång. Idag var det rätt mycket vind från ost så det blev en sväng på ån. Nio plaskande paddlare hade det fint i solen. Lite mindre tokvarmt på kvällskvisten var skönt. Medvind tillbaka är alltid gött! Inlägget Onsdagspaddlingspremiär dök först upp på – paddling…
Book Review: Mike Elliot’s This Fancy Old Canoe
Another spectacular resource for canoe restoration has been created by Mike Elliot of Kettle River Canoes. This Fancy Old Canoe is Mike’s second publication on the topic following his highly successful and well received first book from back in 2016. This Fancy Old Canoe is set to be released on Amazon on June 3rd, 2024. I was…