Recent posts from the Paddling Planet

  • Lonkanfjorden – vått, grått, fargerikt og fint

    Lonkanfjorden – vått, grått, fargerikt og fint

    Det var meldt litt vind og grått, men det skulle padles. La ut melding sånn at interesserte kunne slenge seg med, men det ble bare han her. Han stilte med godt mot, tross gråværet, her har han fått og bestått første utfordring – flytebrygge. Det må jo læres, det også. Vi satte ut fra Kaljord,…

  • EMS Discussion – The integration of AI In Prehospital Settings

    EMS Discussion – The integration of AI In Prehospital Settings

    The integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) into EMS  has the potential to be incredibly beneficial, but it also comes with challenges that could be seen as a hindrance depending on its application.  Here’s are some discussion points on how AI can either help or hinder prehospital care: How AI Can Help Prehospital Care: – Decision…



    Al navegar hace unas semanas, con las grandes mareas de septiembre, por esas curvas maravillosas que dibuja el caño Carrascón comprobamos la gran cantidad de plásticos y basuraleza que hay en la orilla contraria al sendero. esa zona nunca hemos atacado para su limpieza y aprovechando esta semana que también hay grandes mareas pues vamos…

  • Hajka Outdoor oven

    Hajka Outdoor oven

    Hajka Outdoor Oven är som namnet antyder en ugn för utebruk. Rättare sagt är det en ugn som går att använda på friluftskök. Bakom Hajkaugnen står Eric Tornblad som under lång tid skapat recept och kokböcker för friluftslivet. Bland annat böckerna Torka Mat, Snabblagat på Tur, Fjällmat och Eldmat. Så här skriver Eric om projektet:…

  • EMS Medical Terminology –  Reye’s Syndrome

    EMS Medical Terminology – Reye’s Syndrome

    Reye’s Syndrome is a rare but serious condition that causes sudden liver and brain dysfunction. It primarily affects children and teenagers, often following a viral illness like the flu or chickenpox, especially if treated with aspirin.  For EMS providers, understanding Reye’s Syndrome is critical because early recognition and treatment are vital to preventing severe outcomes. It…

  • Edscanoe Yoke Center Seat

    Edscanoe Yoke Center Seat

    On day two of a recent solo trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, a south wind was funneling down Wanihigan Lake, a narrow north-south. The tops of the pines whipped back and forth in the wind. The low water from months without rain made entering my canoe at the normal put-in spot after…

  • October 12 – Buttle Narrows (#20)

    October 12 – Buttle Narrows (#20)

    While Monica and I were camping at Buttle Lake, I took the Aquaglide Chelan out for a short paddle around the narrows. My GPS plot did not work, so I have made an approximate route based on memory… We had great weather and it was good to be testing our new trailer for off grid…

  • Bassänghäng 13 oktober

    Bassänghäng 13 oktober

    Idag blev det gött och roligt bassänghäng ett par timmar. I Örkelljunga simhall precis som senaste åren. Sju plaskande paddlare övade rollar, handrollar, räddningar och lite annat-. Gött tjöt och fika hanns också med. En fråga som ställdes var; varför är det så få paddlare som vill kajakbada? Jag tycker nog det är ännu konstigare…

  • EMS Operations – Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

    EMS Operations – Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

    EMS Providers should become familiar with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as they play crucial roles in emergency management.  1. FEMA: FEMA is an agency within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that coordinates response and recovery efforts in major disasters and emergencies.  EMS providers should understand FEMA’s…

  • Back to the Future

    Back to the Future

    I just got back from Tennessee a few days ago. I was there to talk to a kayak dealer and rep summit about the work that the Ikkatsu Project has been doing in Alaska, and to introduce the “Decision” film for Werner Paddles. It was a blast from the past, talking about sea kayak symposia,…

  • EMS Mental Health & Wellness – World Mental Health Day

    EMS Mental Health & Wellness – World Mental Health Day

    Today is World Mental Health Day, a global opportunity to raise awareness about mental health issues and mobilize efforts in support of mental well-being. We understand the unique challenges faced by medical professionals, especially those working in extreme or high-pressure environments such as EMS. Make Self-Care a Priority Prioritize Self-Care: Regularly engage in physical activity,…

  • EMS Airway Management – Lungs Sounds

    EMS Airway Management – Lungs Sounds

    EMS Providers should have a solid understanding of normal lung sounds and be able to recognize those that are adventitious lung, as these can provide crucial information about a patient’s respiratory status.  Here’s an overview of the key points regarding lung sounds: 1. Normal Lung Sounds Vesicular Breath Sounds: These are the standard breath sounds…

  • EMS Anatomy & Physiology – Mammalian Diving Response Syndrome

    EMS Anatomy & Physiology – Mammalian Diving Response Syndrome

    EMS Providers should be familiar with the Mammalian Diving Response Syndrome as it is a physiological reflex that can have critical implications during emergency scenarios, especially those involving drowning, cold-water immersion, or apnea.  Here are some key points to know: Definition: The Mammalian Diving Response Syncdrome is a reflex primarily triggered by submersion in cold…

  • September 2024

    September 2024



    Hoppsan igen. Ny månad igen. Bad blev det i vanlig ordning varenda dag. Tjatigt och gött 🙂 Mest i Västersjön, en hel del i Rössjön, några i Rössjöholmsån, ett par i havet och några i Dagstorpssjön i Höörkrokarna och några längs med vägen här och där. Musta. Vi mustade äpplen för första gången. På Holma…

  • EMS Mental Health & Wellness – Mental Health & EMS Providers

    EMS Mental Health & Wellness – Mental Health & EMS Providers

    Mental health has emerged as a critical concern for EMS Providers, who are frequently exposed to high levels of stress, trauma, and demanding work environments.  EMS professionals play a vital role in prehospital care, yet often face significant mental health challenges that can affect both their personal well-being and their ability to perform their duties. …

  • October 3 – Discovery island (#19)

    October 3 – Discovery island (#19)

    I paddled out to meat Dan and Paulo at Cadboro Point for a paddle around the islands. It was hard work paddling over the top of the islands and also back across Baynes (wind and current against). I saw both Steller’s and California sea lions as well as marbled murrelets, pigeon guillemots, harlequin ducks, dunlin,…

  • September 7 – Nanaimo River (#18)

    September 7 – Nanaimo River (#18)

    While Monica and I were camping at the Living Forest Campground I went out for a short paddle around the estuary and up the river a bit. The estuary was shallow! click to enlarge 5 km, YTD 182

  • August 29 – Oak bay (#17)

    August 29 – Oak bay (#17)

    I went for a shoreline paddle to the Oak Bay Beach Hotel and back. Stopped at a nice little beach for a break. click to enlarge 9 km, YTD 177

  • August 23- 27 – Great Bear rainforest trip (#s13,14,15,16)

    August 23- 27 – Great Bear rainforest trip (#s13,14,15,16)

    While I was leading a trip on Cascadia, we managed to fit in 4 nice little paddles 23 August -Campania Island # 13 This was a very special paddle as we saw a wolf amble down the beach and then sit down in front of us! 6 km click to enlarge 23 August evening and…

  • EMS In the News – Whole Blood in the Field: The Next Frontier of ‘What’s Actually Impossible?’”,

    EMS In the News – Whole Blood in the Field: The Next Frontier of ‘What’s Actually Impossible?’”,

    Jonathon Feit discusses the concept of challenging established norms and the perception of what is “practical” or “possible” in the field of emergency medical care, specifically concerning the use of whole blood in prehospital settings. Feit critiques the statement from a September 2024 Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery article that suggested “low-titer O…

  • EMS In The News – When the Medical Aid in Dying Cocktail Gets into the Wrong Hands

    EMS In The News – When the Medical Aid in Dying Cocktail Gets into the Wrong Hands

    The article appears to discuss the complex medical case where two men, one a terminally ill patient using Medical Aid-in-Dying (MAID) and another who accidentally consumed the same lethal cocktail, were treated by emergency responders. It seems he older man intended to use the MAID medication under Colorado’s End-of-Life Options Act, which allows terminally ill…

  • EMS Mental Health & Wellness – Responder Support Organizations

    EMS Mental Health & Wellness – Responder Support Organizations

    ResponderStrong is an organization dedicated to supporting the mental health and overall wellbeing of emergency responders, healthcare workers, and their families.  Founded in 2016, it offers resources such as mental health curriculums, self-help tools, and crisis support specifically tailored for those in high-stress emergency response roles.  Its mission is to create a supportive environment by…

  • Vikøya og selsafari

    Vikøya og selsafari

    Det har ikke vært så mange torsdagspadlinger i år, men da det ble sånn her fint vær litt tidligere i høst, var det bare å komme seg på havet. Det ble kort varsel og få deltakere, men du verden så fin tur det likevel ble! Her er vi såvidt startet turen, jeg måtte rett inn…

  • El Camino De Santiago por la Vía de la Plata

    El Camino De Santiago por la Vía de la Plata

    Una de las muchas rutas del Camino, para llegar a Santiago, es la Vía de la Plata, desde Sevilla hasta la provincia de Zamora (Granja de Moreruela) y de ahí seguir el Camino Sanabrés. Para los que vivimos en Andalucía es la vía lógica, y ha sido nuestro recorrido en esta ocasión.  Formato bikepacking y…